
Last Day in Tokyo…

Filed under: General — Barbarella Buchner @ 03:35  

I woke up at 11:10hrs with a call from hotel reception kicking me out of the room! Totally overslept, can’t believe it… I am now typing this on the computer (with Japanese keyboard, argh!) in the hotel reception.

I will be flying back to Paris, and then on to Madrid and from there back to Lanzarote, at 21:55hrs so I got the whole afternoon still to do stuff. To be honest, I’m all shopped out, so I think I’ll just go and use up the last point I still have on my ticket from Tokyo Dome City and go on the “Thunder Dolphin”, the biggest rollercoaster there, again. 😀

Looking forward to seeing Lugosi, Spider and Ruby again tomorrow, I miss the little rascals so much.

So again, Sayonara and thanks to you all for following/commenting on this blog over the last week. 😉



I will sort of be passing you, well in the air. I’m having a few days in Zaragoza and landing tonight at 22:00!! 🙂 Glad you had a good time. xx



Bernard @ 14/04/2010 11:13


@bernard I waved at you! LOL



Barbarella @ 16/04/2010 08:22

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